Quiltmakers Blog tour coming up
As I promised to tell you about the Quiltmakers Blog Tour Coming Up, the day for my blog tour will be Friday, 9 November, just a couple of days away – how exciting. So if you can, come and have a look at my blog on that day, and for two lucky visitors you could win a copy of the Quiltmakers 100 Blocks Vol 6 magazine and a Country Matters pattern. All you have to do is leave a comment by Wednesday, 14 November be in the running.
I am also in the process of setting up a new blog which will link back to this one, address will be www.countrymattersdesigns.com and it will have loads more info on it when it is up and running properly.
QUILT SHOW in Cootamundra this weekend, 10 and 11 November put on by Community Chest, an organisation that raises money for heart, lung and kidney equipment and patients in the local area. It will be in Dickson Hall (not the Town Hall as previously advertised) from 10 – 4pm, so come along and support a very worthy cause.
See you on Friday, Janelle
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