red border fabric

I See Red Hexagons

I see RED hexagons

I spent the weekend out at Jugiong at the quilt show, which was a lovely way to spend two days – inside nice and warm and talking to ladies about patchwork, drinking coffee and enjoying the homemade treats (I cannot eat at all this week to make up for it!)
This was a red hexagon quilt that I made for it, but didn’t quite get finished in time.
 red hexagon quilt

Remember that they where just a pile of blocks…

just a pile of blocks.

And don’t you just love that red border fabric, a new fabric that I had only just bought (I might have to go back and get some more!!).

red border fabric

The theme was hearts and hexagons, so there where plenty of the little chaps hanging around,  this quilt top was gorgeous, made by Janelle Manwaring (who organised the weekend)


This was one of mine made from leftover florals and scraps from about 4 other quilts.

leftover florals

This was my spot in the corner all set up and ready for the rush

my spot in the corner

This was an entry made by Lyn – very cute little houses!


Being a but of a purple freak, couldn’t resist this one, a fat and skinny log cabin

purple freak

The next two are from the Wednesday class at Patchwork on Parker (formerly Cootamundra Sewing Centre) – Lyn’s ABC quilt for a very special little girl

Patchwork on Parker

And Ronnies work in progress doing the Dorothy quilt, using up checks and plaids.

Dorothy quilt

If you are ever going through Cootamundra, make a stop at this great shop (next to Woolworths) there is always new stock arriving, and a fantastic range of reproduction fabrics as well as many other styles, wool and haberdashery.  It seems that I can never walk out the door empty handed and you won’t either. I run classes every Wednesday and all my designs are available there. So call in and say hello, we would love to meet you.

The sun is now trying to shine out from under the clouds, might go and do a spot of gardening (to wear off all the cake I ate on the weekend!)

See you next time,

Janelle xox

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