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Quiltmania and Lucy
Just so thrilled to get a mention and see my interpretation of Lucy Boston POTC in this months issue of Quiltmania No 116!!! You can find it in the ‘From You to us’ at the back on page 96. Quiltmania No 116 This is my Lucy, all 56 blocks done, lots of hours in this one! Thankyou […]
Winter weather
July is a great month for sewing, especially this year, lots of rainy days for sitting by the fire and keeping the fingers busy. Yes, it has been three months since I was last here, a lot has been happening but have been abit slack on the photography! I have made a new financial year’s […]
March madness
March Madness Where is the year going. It just seems like yesterday I was up at the beautiful town of Cooma, patching and lunching with a wonderful group of ladies up in the mountains, and we had lots of fun, despite the heat. The ladies worked on Vera Gollasch quilt and Retreat Station. Apologies for taking so […]
Twenty Sixteen – here we come…..
Twenty Sixteen, here we come….. Yes, January 2016, a new year with resolutions, lists, goals, plans – and lots of sewing to fit in between life. Firstly happy new year to all, hope you had a great Christmas – spending time with family and friends, and wishing a healthy and prosperous year ahead. It seems that […]
Updates….. It seems that I can only get to the computer every month or so to get this done. And then I don’t seem to have enough photos. Since we last met, after the exhibition I had a week off to get my head around what is next. A big thankyou to all those who […]
FABRICS AND FIBRES EXHIBITION Cootamundra Arts Centre, Wallendoon Street, open till 9th August, 10 – 4pm daily. There are 3 artists showing their works, Bev Moxon with the amazing basketry, weaving and gords, Jemina Saunders and The Wired Lab with the natural silk dying – scarves, clothing etc, and myself, with some of the quilts […]
Lucy Boston Part 2
LUCY BOSTON Part 2 OMG – here it is on the floor ready for the next part, all 56 blocks all in rows ready to be sewn together. Now all I need is the 2000 1″ squares to join it, ahhhhh – one at a time I guess. At least the weather is good for […]
Janelle’s class update
Janelle’s Class update Thought a small update on class activity was needed. Now that it is winter, we have no excuse but to be stitching, especially the hand piecing, which is what I have to show you today. Rita’s scrappy 1″ hexagon quilt top, my photo has taken some of the colour from it, it is […]